Norton Personal Firewall 2004 - Undo Block


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If you selected the default action of "Always block connections from this program on all ports (Recommended)", then you will get the "Unable to Communicate" screen.   You can undo this action by doing the following:

  1. Go to Norton Personal Firewall 2004 and select "Status & Settings" and then highlight "Personal Firewall".  Press the "Configure" button.  (See red X's on the following image)

  1. Select the "Programs" tab, then scroll down in the list to find "PGenieMN.exe".  (See Red X's on the following image)

  1. Click on "Block All" and change it to say "Permit All".

Intrusion Protection

If you have "Intrusion Detection" (and AutoBlock) turned on, you may need to go into Intrusion Protection and remove the appropriate entry under "AutoBlock".   I would recommend turning off "AutoBlock" until you get the firewall configured for Pocket Genealogist synchronization.  (See Red X's in the following images)  You should also change the default port used by Pocket Genealogist from 1024 to a value that isn't commonly used by a Trojan.  (1500 seems to be safe)  Click HERE to learn how to change the port.

Note: The Pocket Genealogist synchronization program on the device may be running and "hung" if you initially blocked a connection.  You will need to do a "Soft Reset" on your device in order to close that process.  See your user guide for your device on how to do a "Soft Reset".